How To Boost Productivity In Your Production Lines?
In just 30 days, we'll enable your team to enhance productivity by up to 30% - without the need for extra labor or new equipment.
Are You Facing These Challenges?
- Operators: Inconsistent standards, pace, or productivity levels.
- Managers: Constantly dealing with urgent issues.
- Supervisors: Claiming more manpower is needed to meet production demands.
- Lean Consultants: Spend more time in classrooms than on the factory floor.
- Maintenance: Criticizing rather than supporting operators.
Like many other managers, you might find yourself bogged down in daily operational meetings, leaving little time to address critical and complex organizational needs.
Understanding Your Situation
You might feel overwhelmed, hoping for a definitive fix to these issues. If this resonates with you, there's likely a way out, but you have to trust decades of industrial management experience in the Lean Manufacturing movement.
Lean Production: More Than Just Theory
You may be familiar with lean methodologies, the cornerstone of success for giants like Toyota, Porsche, Amazon, Unilever and many others. But you might think these methods won't work for your context and unique setup.
Common Misconceptions
- You suppose that lean manufacturing is not suitable for your industrial field.
- You believe your collaborators can't adapt or perform at an "out-of-the-box" level.
- You fear hiring consultants is too expensive for the R.O.I. they can produce.
If this is your situation or resembles it, I have a couple of solutions for you.
You and your collaborators can buy books and visit plants similar to yours, and after some costly trial and error, you will achieve the productivity rate you need.
Increasing productivity from production lines is already a well-known process, which can be resumed in the table below.
The Eight Steps for Boosting Production Lines Productivity:
1 Mudas Detection
In this phase, all wastes related to the production line flow and the actual work standards are detected, evaluated, and prioritized. Lean manufacturing has categorized seven types of wastes that can be found in any workplace where operators are at work and another set of 16 wastes that can be detected only after a deep analysis of the production line data.
2 Mudas Elimination
Through the study of waste-free solutions, all waste is eliminated or reduced. In this phase, each activity around the production line and workstation is analyzed with the Lean filter of the mudas, and through an intensive value-driven problem-solving activity, improvement solutions are found and built.
3 New Standard Work Preparation
All the solutions for waste elimination are transformed into new standard work for each workstation. Every standard worksheet must be organized with a specific structure that facilitates comprehension at first sight and chunked-in learning bites to facilitate progressive learning.
4 Production Line Transformation
All the workstations are revised and transformed to be adequate for the new standard work. Every needed device, furniture, and tool needs to be built with the operators or in tight collaboration with them, if necessary, with the help of third-party maintenance and artisans.
5 Logistics System Transformation
Warehouses are transformed into supermarkets, from which logistic loops pull components and raw materials. Lean logistics concepts must be utilized to supervise and assist the supermarket building, which is understood by your logistic crew and, eventually, third-party artisans.
6 People training
People are trained to work according to the new standards. Operator trainers must build the new skills matrix required by the new balancing workstation flow and develop and execute the training program for the production line operators and the logistic team.
7 New Production Line Start-Up
The new production line has started, and with the assistance of the trained supervisors, it will achieve the planned productivity target through intensive fine-tuning of physical means and people alignment and the team that participates in the productivity increase project.
8 New Production Line Defect Elimination
After the new production line starts, an intensive check of what is working and what is not is performed until solutions are applied. The latest revised line's performance stabilizes during the following hours or days after the start.
Below is an example of the practical application of the methodology outlined above.
This video was recorded at an Italian bike plant, and it is an example of a successful assembly line transformation.
The other solution you have at your disposal to increase productivity is suitable if you are in these situations:
- You don't have time to go through a trial and error process; you need productivity increase asap.
- You don't have managers and middle managers capable of running effectively and rapidly a double-digit productivity increase.
- You need your collaborators to learn the process to increase productivity from production lines and be able to replicate it without consultants.
We have developed a 30-day intervention program to overcome all these situations and realize the productivity increase you need with Lean Manufacturing methodologies.
Productivity +30
During twenty years of experience in production line reorganization and productivity improvements, our team perfected a "Learning by Doing" program that we teach to our client's collaborators, making them autonomous in replicating it.
Productivity +30 can be adapted to all production lines with an appropriate customization.
- Two Experienced Consultants: One specializing in workstations and one in logistics.
- Muda Elimination Methodology: Utilizes our templates and video methods to address the seven wastes and the 16 losses.
- Cycle Time Balancing: Conducted in accordance with the production line Takt Time using our templates and software.
- Workstation Trials: Performed with the assistance of our consultants.
- Development of New Standards and SOPs: Created in line with Lean methodology.
- Production Line Transformation: Incorporates Kaizen concepts such as Gravity, Low Technology, and Infrastructure Flexibility.
- Comprehensive Logistics Transformation: Includes transitioning from traditional warehousing to a supermarket model, implementing Kanban systems where necessary, and optimizing container conditioning.
- People training: the training program for the line operators is conceived and done accordingly with the T.W.I methodology
Each element of the above list is implemented with:
- Introductory theoretical training
- Practical real-situation application (your production lines)
- On-the-ground coaching and follow-up
Because managing production lines is difficult, we added an extra module that will enhance the soft skills of your production line supervisors.
Extra optional module for PRODUCTION LINES SUPERVISORS:
Production Line Human Resources Management
What Your Supervisors Will Capable To Do After This Module:
- Personality Alignment: Understand different personality types to overcome resistance to change.
- Beliefs Management: Identify and transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones.
- Change Management: Master the four phases of change management.
- Team Dynamics: Optimize group performance through four key stages.
- Problem Solving: Use strategic questioning to define and solve issues effectively.
- Goals Setting: Learn to set clear, universally understood goals.
- Vision Creation: Inspire participation in production line goals for performance transformation.
- Shift Meetings: Learn how to start and manage the shift effectively until the subsequent handover.
Productivity +30 Program Benefits:
Check out all the benefits:
- Up to 30% productivity increase.
- Enhanced product quality.
- Cleaner, more presentable production lines.
- Autonomous application of Lean methodologies by your staff.
- Staff capable of replicating similar productivity increases in other production lines.
- Lower production costs for new products.
- Up to 40% reduction in inventory needs.
Your Guarantees:
- Success or refund.
- Option to terminate the program if conditions worsen, invoicing only for days completed.
Program Availability:
The Productivity +30 program is available globally. Our network of consultants can assist with implementation in local languages. A core team of experienced consultants will travel to your facilities, supported by our local consultants who speak the local language.
- This program is priced at approximately 20% of the first year's cost savings from increased productivity.
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Important: This program can be highly intensive for your actual "working habits." It is designed for companies seeking rapid productivity improvements and willing to invest significantly in their employees' on-the-ground breakthrough practices.
Next Steps:
We invite you to participate in an initial video call to assess your company's eligibility for the Productivity +30 program. During this session, we will also conduct a brief 10-question interview. This process will allow our organizations to evaluate readiness and fit for the program.
Take Action Now: book your interview to explore how we can transform your production lines together.

Mario Mason
Lean Senior Consultant
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