Can my company improve even more?
Find Out Where, How and How Much with Audit Discovery
How would you feel having a clear vision of the improvements that can still be made in the company?
More optimistic and confident than the unknowns of the future?
What if your employees also have the same vision? Would they feel more motivated to achieve the new levels of performance?
Probably yes!
If when you look at industrial performance data
You often wonder, are we really 100% efficient? Maybe... we are going to less than 100%. But there are some operators who are going beyond 100%, ah maybe they were all like him...
But what is the real 100% standard? Are we sure that the cycle times are right?
If you then look at what prevents you from reaching 100%, then the matter gets complicated ...
Perhaps it is logistics that because of its delays often forces people to move that in the end are not put in a position to do the 100%.
Maybe it's the warehouses, they are not really organized yet; there are not some components necessary to start the lot but maybe the supplier has not yet delivered them ... wait for the call from purchases to inform me.
Or it is the quality of the components that are mounted that is not always good and forces changes in the race and production stops. Or always on the subject of quality, it is our processes that create waste and force us to produce more than the ordered to be able to comply with the quantities required by customers.
But even when there are components and their quality is in place and they are there available to be mounted maybe what blocks the achievement of maximum productivity is the training of the workers;they did not; or they did it a few months ago and now they don't have the right rhythm... he needs time to get to 100%..
However, thinking about it, the productivity that is missing could also be due to how work and workstations are organized; when you look at the activities that the operators do you can see that they have many movements and many times they are looking for what they need ... they are not put in the best possible conditions to work.
Those responsible do not have time... to understand how to improve.
The heads of the departments at this time cannot say how much and where it can be improved, they are too busy solving contingent problems ... unfortunately they do not have the time to get there to understand and make improvement plans, they must continuously manage the critical situations that pop up suddenly, if they do not, skip deliveries, customers complain and then... then comes the end of the world...
What about continuous improvement? Yes of course, they are making their bones with us, they are the ones who prepare the indicators, tables, and presentations .... However, how can a person who has been until yesterday to learn theoretical notions from professors who have lived by hearsay what they teach (and who have not never seen a factory) be today the real engine of improvement? In a few years certainly, but now? Difficult...
In any case, most of those responsible cannot really tell you how much could be improved as psychologically for them it would mean stating that they are not doing the maximum; this type of answer is easier to come from a person outside your organization or from those who have a mentality as an entrepreneur or top manager, so from you who are reading...
But how much more can we improve?
Many managers and entrepreneurs, many times a day ask themselves the following questions:
- How much can we improve efficiency if we organize ourselves better?
- How much less waste can we do if we solve quality problems?
- How many hours less overtime can we do if we can have more productivity?
- How much can we improve the level of customer service?
Indicators "to Improve" in the Mechanical Industry
The mechanical industry has its own particular indicators and within each company in the sector there are even more specific ones. The list below shows the indicators that any mechanical industry, every day must try to improve.
Lead Time
It is the time that actually takes a unit of product to be produced.
It is measured by: Total time from the beginning of the first process phase to the last completed phase of the process.
Standard Cycle Time
Sum of the total time needed to perform an operation.
It could be related only to the product or also to phases that take place before and after the construction of the product unit.
Efficiency of assembly lines or manufacturing
It is the ratio of the total time produced (unit x standard time) to the total time of completion of the production activity.
Productivity of assembly lines or manufacturing
It is the ratio between the total time produced (unit x standard time) and the specific time in which one worked.
Work in progress
It is the value of semi-finished products and raw materials that have on average and officially entered the production process in a certain period of time.
It is measured by: the sum of the values of the quantities of semi-finished products and raw materials that on average is present along the production process in a given period of time.
It is the time it really takes to build a unit of product in a given time.
It is measured by: Working time (paid hours) / Number of units produced
Scraps and defects
It is given by the number of defective pieces that are found during or leaving a production process.
It is usually measured with a percentage: units of defective products found / total units produced.
Warehouse rotations upstream of the process
It indicates the number of times components or raw materials are fully consumed (and replenished) in a given period of time.
Each company has its own particular indicators and objectives
Once you have established your performance indicators and measured the performance you are achieving over a certain period of time, every truly alive company tries to regularly set new goals and reach them; the objectives, to be "healthy", must in any case correspond to some criteria, namely:
- Specific and written
- Measurable
- Possible
- Reachable with the resources available
- Have a timeline of realization
With "numerical" answers to these criteria you will see your collaborators aggregate and motivate themselves around new goals and renew their commitment to improve...
These answers are now easily obtainable using a diagnostic tool developed by the consultants of Kaizen Coach International Ltd:
Audit Discovery 4 Mechanic Industry©
With the Audit Discovery for the Mechanical Industry:
- Discover the Potential for Improvement of your industrial processes
- Help your managers to draw up a new plan to improve industrial performance
What is an Audit?
An Audit is a technical analysis of the quality of the processes in place, made by comparing the parameters of the processes that must be analyzed with the same parameters coming from best in class companies.
This comparison gives rise to a report that for each point analyzed tells us the gap between the analyzed process and the best in the industry.
How does Audit Discovery work?
Premise: this type of Audit has been built using the many years of experience made by our consultants in your industrial sector and its method is covered by international copyright.
After agreeing on the objectives, you want to achieve through the Audit Discovery, we will choose together our most suitable consultant for your company. The consultant will then contact the persons in charge that you have designated to assist him during the audit and will prepare together with them the organization of the Audit Day.
There will be data and information to prepare and know in advance of the Audit Day.
During the audit we will make a comprehensive analysis of your processes, also making long analysis visits to the production lines while they work and in direct contact with your operators and managers; we will try to discover the elements that today prevent us from improving performances and that perhaps some of your people are still unknown to us, we will develop consensus and prepare together with your men a 90-day plan with the most appropriate solutions to your situation.
During the Audit your employees will be involved in a training process for the construction of a program to improve industrial performance.
What will you get from audit discovery?
- The list of FEASIBLE performance improvements
- The methodological plan to achieve performance improvements
- A strategic vision project, in a document from 20 to 30 pages.
- A plan of Lean methodologies to be implemented for the next 90 days aimed at obtaining the desired improvements.
- The discovery of cultural aspects contrary to the Lean philosophy and the plan to correct them.
- The road map for the cultural transformation of the company
- A frank discussion on all the "Cultural" problems that can prevent the achievement of the expected results.
- The creation of a Value Stream Map(Cartography of Flows) related to the future industrial vision of a process/product.
At the end of the Audit, the results obtained will be shared with the Management Team in a meeting to present the work done in which the feasible improvements identified and the reasons for support.
During the meeting, 2 roadmaps for the implementation of improvements will also be presented: one related to improvements in industrial performance and one related to cultural and organizational improvements.
Road Map of Industrial Performance Improvements
This roadmap is designed for the following improvements:
- Productivity
- Delivery times to customers
- Waste reduction
- Improvement other indicators chosen by you..
In this roadmap will be indicated precisely:
- Improvement activities to achieve the proposed improvements
- The timing of implementation of the activities
- The resources used in the implementation of transformation activities
- The necessary investment
For your managers, having built a roadmap of performance improvements will be an important reference for the daily organization of their work as:
- They will know the precise direction in which they and the company want to go
- They will know that there is an agreed sequence of realization
- They will feel they are part of a team that shares goals
You know that to achieve new results of concrete and lasting performance there is no other way than to transform industrial processes but that to do this it is also necessary to transform the corporate culture.
Road Map of necessary and possible cultural improvements
This roadmap concretely answers the following questions:
- How do I train our resources to learn to lead improvement projects?
- How do I teach my employees how to motivate the people they manage?
- Is it possible to regularly reduce production costs by 20% and at the same time, positively involve all employees by creating "our Culture of Continuous Improvement"?
- Is my company really putting into practice the principles and concepts of the culture of continuous improvement?
In this roadmap will be indicated precisely:
- The organizational changes needed to solidify the proposed improvements
- Activities to help transform the corporate culture
- The human resources employed in transformation activities
- The necessary investment
It is possible that in your company you are already applying some continuous improvement methodologies that refer to Lean but that these have not yet brought the expected results; this,according to our many years of experience is quite normal.
In fact, 80% of the projects implementing The Lean continuous improvement methodologies fail and the managers who promoted them fail in most cases to understand their why.
With the Audit Discovery report you will also have the answers and solutions to correct any Lean implementation projects that you have started and that are not yet working to the maximum.
We have a bet to offer you:
It is not important if after the audit you will carry out the plan or part of it with one of our competitors and not with us; we bet that after having read the quality of the information you will receive from the Audit Discovery you will surely be the one to ask us for our support.
We will not make any commercial proposal unless expressly requested by you
The Audit Discovery could be free!
If, after carrying out the Audit Discovery you decide to continue with Kaizen Coach International Ltd, the cost of the Audit will be deducted from the agreement that will follow.
To receive documentation about audit discovery, please fill out the form below
Why choose the consultants of the Kaizen Coach Team?
Our consultants have an average professional experience of 10 years in the mechanical engineering industry; most of them have worked on corporate restructuring projects for medium-large companies and multinationals.
The Audit Discovery for your company will be conducted by a senior consultant of our team and that is by one of the most experienced consultants available today.
The particular skills of one of our senior consultants of the Kaizen Coach Team are:
- be able to identify precisely the most important areas of improvement to achieve possible performance improvements
- know how to quantify the possible performance gains
- draw up the plan of activities necessary to achieve the expected results
For Who This Audit Discovery Is?
For Who This Audit Discovery Is NOT?
Per chi È: Who it is for: Audit discovery is required by managers and entrepreneurs who:
- They need to make performance improvements in a very short time
- They want to understand how far industrial performance could go
- They want to understand if improving performance can improve margins
- They want to make their collaborators understand the gap between current performances and possible (feasible)performances.
- They want to involve their collaborators with numbers elaborated together with experts.
- They want to give a restart of vitality to their company.
For those who are NOT: The Audit Discovery is not for Managers and entrepreneurs who think that their organization is already giving the maximum possible performance and that:
- They do not need 2-digit percentage improvements in industrial performance
- They are not interested in further stimulating in their collaborators the search for improvements.
- They are already satisfied with the results that their organization is having