Discover how we can help you
Performances Improvement
Human Resources Development
30 Minutes Free Consultation
We offer 30 minutes of free advice on a topic or problem for which you feel the need to receive qualified external advice.
A manager can find himself alone in front of his responsibilities and the choices he has to make.
He knows that his collaborators advise him accordingly to their point of view but that these do not always really answers the company's needs for change.
Production Lines - Performances Improvements Discovery
If lean manufacturing has not yet brought the expected results from your production lines it could be that:
- Your lean work groups are not yet skilled enough in lean
- Your managers are not really supporting the lean implementation process
- The improvements potentials are very tiny and difficult to grasp for an habituated eye; you need an external eye.
In 8 Hours Audit, we will train your people to discover your production lines hidden potentials and we will uncover the roadblocks to better performances.
To find out the improvements potentials, we will use all the needed lean methodologies taylored for your industrial sector; your people will be there with us and they will understand and learn the process we will use.
At the end of the audit, you will receive the report with the plan you need to achieve production lines better performances in double digits %.
The 10 Killers of Lean (Free Self-Assessment)
80% of lean production projects fail and the managers involved don't really know why.
Over the past 12 years, we have been able to determine the fundamental reasons why companies fail to introduce the Lean mindset.
We have prepared an informative report for operations managers that will help to understand and avoid the mistakes that can ruin any lean implementation project.
Productivity +30%
Guaranteed! With our lean coaching methodologies, we train your employees to achieve up to 30% more productivity in 30 days.
Without new investments in labor or equipment.
If your production lines have any of these symptoms:
- Operators: they do not all operate with the same standards, the right pace, and the necessary productivity.
- Team leaders & supervisors are often involved in some kind of emergency that requires urgent corrective actions.
- The managers say that to fulfill production orders, they need more human resources or new equipment.
- Your current lean consultants spend more time in the training room with PowerPoint slides instead to go on the "gemba".
- The managers: criticize the operators and their collaborators instead of assisting them in resolving their issues.
Lean & Operations Benchmark
At which stage of the lean implementation are we?
How much well are performing our operations comparing them with a recognized international benchmarking GRID?
What are our actual weaknesses? Are we aware of them? Do we have a plan to overcome them?
These are the daily burning questions of each savvy operations manager. The real answers to these questions can only come from an external assessment, is your people ready or scared to get one?
I want more information TopLean Manager Profiling
Most Lean Manufacturing implementation projects fail for one simple reason, the designated Lean Manager does not have all the basic mental characteristics and skills needed to manage a lean project.
Team Building 4 Lean
Lean Production is based on teamwork. Not training your leaders and managers in team building means putting any lean project at risk.
When lean work groups don't produce good enough improvements ideas and don't apply the lean philosophy, don't blame them, instead, think about their competencies in team building and teamwork.