tr?id=5534450736609737&ev=PageView&noscript=1 TPM AWARDS - We Coach Your Plant to JIPM Certification TPM AWARDS - We Coach Your Plant to JIPM Certification


We Help Operations Managers to Conceive and Actualize Their Industrial Visions Based on the Lean Manufacturing Culture

We Help Operations Managers to Conceive and Actualize Their Industrial Visions Based on the Lean Manufacturing Culture

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Win the TPM Award ! We Provide the Expert Coaching You Need

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a top-tier approach to managing industrial assets. Companies that haven't initiated their TPM journey may find themselves lagging behind competitors who have already embraced this methodology. This could put your business at risk of being left in the dust.

Embarking on the TPM journey towards operational excellence is no easy feat. It demands proficiency in TPM methodologies and effective cultural change management. Participation in the TPM awards can serve as a powerful motivator for your team to strive for excellence.

While it's ideal to have reached a certain level of proficiency before participating in the TPM awards, simply being admitted to compete can be a compelling challenge in itself.


Discover the TPM Awards program bestowed by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM):

    1. Clarify the company motivations of winning the TPM Awards.
    2. Learn the TPM Awards topics and levels criteria to achieve.
    3. Master the auditing procedure (preliminary and definitive).
    4. Draft the TPM Activity Report : subjects, photographs, illustrations.
    5. Create the symbiosis of the entire plant team: Management, HR Management, R&D, Productions, Maintenance, Quality, Safety.
TPM Award - JIPM TPM award

What is this training about

This training consists of different types of interventions. There are moments when there is training, others when there is coaching, and others when there could be mentoring.

Preparing your plant to compete to win the JIPM TPM Awards is a journey; the transformation of your whole plant mindset is the actual output of this endeavor.

Every team that wants to win needs a coach, somebody with experience who can highlight what is still missing and train your people about what is still missing.

TPM Awards - Zoning 5S

TPM Awards - Zoning 5S

TPM Awards - Reshaping the Flows

TPM Awards - Reshaping the Flows

TPM Awards - Problem Solving

TPM Awards - Problem Solving

Why your company have to do this training

The participation at the TPM Awards gives your team a compelling motivation to improve the TPM system.

What you will be able to do after the Online

Participating at the TPM awards will give to your collaborators:

  • More capabilities of acting like a team
  • Learn deeply what teamwork is
  • More capabilities to develop plans to achieve targets.
  • In-depth knowledge of the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
  • Awareness of their actual TPM development status 


Production managers and middle managers, Maintenance service managers and operators, Plant manager, HR, Quality dept. manager.

Date & Duration

Date: Request information
Duration: To be defined according to the project or to the needs of the team.

Locations & Fees

Location: At your locations
Investment: Daily fee + travel exp.

Information request

Training Information Request

Detailed training program

This program needs to be tailored to the plant's specific needs. Below is a list of the arguments that are foundational to this coaching intervention.

  • Learn the 10 TPM Awards topics.
  • Diagnose the current state of your company's “Continuous Improvement” system.
  • Establish the road map to achieve the requested level.
  • Coach the preparation of the TPM Awards auditing.

Those who have participated in this module have also participated in:

TPM basics

Ask to be guided on your training choice by an experienced consultant

We offer a 30-minute free call. Our support offer is real and our consultants will give their best so that the advice is of maximum use to you; it will be up to you and only to you to ask about any additional paid support; we will not ask for anything.


  • This consultation does not hide any attempt to sell.
  • No attempt to sell will be made
  • We will not use your data for commercial purposes
  • All your information will remain confidential

This type of consultation is carried out via the internet and through the Zoom application.


To reserve your consultation fill out the form below, you will receive by email a response of acceptance and confirmation of the consultation session.

mario mason

Mario Mason
Lean Senior Consultant

Please follow the instructions to schedule a time with me. It's quick and easy.

Thank you.

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If you have any questions or uncertainties about this training, please submit them using this form.

We assure you that we will provide a response within 24 hours if your inquiry is submitted between Monday and Thursday.

The Kaizen Coach Team

Request the catalog and information about this training